We're starting to lose weight. The psychotherapist named 13 mistakes of those who dream of "losing weight in the summer"

In order not to chew a cabbage leaf in your mind, why not lose your pounds again, you need to prepare for a diet in advance. And it is better to start such training from scratch, says Tatyana Karavaeva, head of the department for the treatment of border disorders and psychotherapy. The doctor said this would prevent spring dreams of the ideal shape from coming true for the summer.

how to put yourself to lose weight

- This spring is special. Under the circumstances of the coronavirus epidemic, it was impossible to lead an active lifestyle and you would not lose much at home, overcoming the anxiety and stress at home, "says Tatyana Karavaeva, MD, head of the organization. Borderline mental disorders and psychotherapy. "the incidence has slowed down a bit, there are those who have already received a kidney vaccine, the sun is getting better on the street, so you can take shape.

Mistakes that prevent weight loss

Why doesn’t everyone manage to stand the test of their diet and finish what they started by the end? And it’s often not about willpower. For example, a psychotherapist may say that poorly chosen motivation or unrealistic goals can interfere. "Dr. Peter" together with Tatyana Karavaeva solved the main mistakes of those who dream of losing weight.

Error # 1. Weight loss in search of a prince

Before dieting, it is important to choose the right motivation. First, honestly answer yourself the question, "Why do I want to lose weight? " If a woman wants to lose weight to feel better and look good, she can take action. But if you associate the successes you have achieved in your personal life with losing weight, problems can arise. He thinks, "I’m going to lose weight now — I’ll find a loved one. " But after all, there may be other reasons besides being overweight for not having a relationship. Such a woman is running out, but there is still no connection - a man with a bouquet of flowers does not meet him every day. Then comes the disappointment, and from the thought of "everything was in vain" you start eating again and gaining weight again. It's important to understand that leanness doesn't make you friends, happy, successful, or rich. success is in the field of psychology, not nutrition.

Error 2. We sleep badly - don't lose weight

Good sleep really helps you lose weight. At night, especially during the first phase of sleep, the hormone somatotropin is produced in the pituitary gland. Without it, it is almost impossible to lose weight, even with strict eating restrictions. It’s no coincidence that nutritionists write when they put together a program for a patient, "normalizing sleep" as the first item. If you have superficial and ragged sleep, you should try to set up a proper "sleep-wake" system before dieting.

Error # 3. We want to drop 20 pounds fast

In any business, it is important to set realistic goals for yourself. For example, to lose 5 kg in 2 months, not 25. First, it's healthier. Second, difficult, unsolvable tasks can lead to frustration (a state of mind when desires do not match the options available) and neurotic disorders.

Sometimes a person’s personal characteristics interfere with weight loss. The same perfectionism. Such a person immediately wants to reach the "ideal" weight - to lose 40 kilograms. When he realizes that the goal is unattainable, the motivation disappears - he simply gives up and gives up all his diet. Serious weight loss is available in over a year and in several stages. But our psyche rarely perceives such long-term goals.

There are also people with a dichotomous or "black and white" type of thinking (when they categorically evaluate events, themselves, and those around them) - they adhere to the "all or nothing" principle. Such a person adheres to a diet, eats cabbage, and then suddenly eats caramel and thinks, "I’ve already broken my diet anyway, now everything is pointless. " You have to work with these personal qualities and you can’t usually do without the help of a psychologist.

Error 4. He is on a hard diet

Adhering to rigid diets is not worth it - it is harmful to health. Even if you manage to lose the required pounds, you can hardly keep the result. It is better to strive for proper nutrition: with normal protein, fat and carbohydrate content, partial meals - in small portions, 5 times a day. If you suffer from hunger and think about eating all day, there is a high risk that you will break free and ruin everything.

Error 5. Do not eat after six

It is harmful to eat at night and take a long meal break. The idea that the "don't eat after six" rule is beneficial is essentially a myth. If you refuse to eat after 6 p. m. , you may actually lose weight at first, but then everything you lost will return quickly. You can take food away from him for more than 12 hours, and in principle anything you can expect from the owner, he will start storing the fats. It is optimal if the last light snack is 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Error 6. I'm not looking for recipes in advance

In the past, nutrition experts have recommended a range of foods - which are worth restricting in your diet, which are worth consuming more often. Now they understand that many people find it difficult to switch from the usual recipes to the right one, so they offer recipes for healthy food right away. For example, how to cook the same cabbage delicately? In order not to just chew a cabbage leaf and enjoy your diet, you need to find the right recipes on the internet in advance.

Error 7. Fast eating

The feeling of fullness does not come immediately. The sign of satiety reaches the brain about 20 to 30 minutes after it has actually started. So don't rush to the table. By the time you feel full, you’re actually eating 2-3 times as much as you need to. Eat slowly and leave the table a little hungry.

Error number 8. Watching TV and eating from big plates

There are many psychological tricks to help you eat less. For example, properly selected foods. The small plates on the table allow you to get a small dose psychologically "enough" - it seems small in a deep, large plate. The beautiful food will help you enjoy the food, taste it. When you try to smell, taste a food, satiety comes when you eat less.

Another option is to give up your TV and gadgets at the table. Distracted from watching a movie or Internet news, we swallow it mechanically and don’t notice how we eat more than we need to.

Error 9. We have candy at home

When one is hungry, one begins to eat what one finds. If you have buns, mayonnaise, sweets at home, it is very difficult to restrain yourself - the hand itself touches them. If you have to go to a store for them, chances are you can stop.

Error number 10. Grasping anger and resentment

The causes of interruptions need to be addressed "on the beach. " Before dieting, think, "What does food mean to me, and when I want to eat something delicious and harmful irresistibly? "The causes may be different - you need to understand which one is.

For example, there is psychogenic overeating - consuming large amounts of food due to emotional problems, and as a result - a person is obese or unable to lose weight. In this case, a simple diet will not help because of the increase in anxiety. There is a psychogenic overeating group at our center. We work with people who capture anger, anxiety, anger, irritability. When food becomes the main way to relieve emotional tension, all weight loss attempts end in failure. We see many women who have tried to lose weight several times, but only after working with a professional. It aims to understand the causes of negative emotions and learn to deal with them in other ways. If a person is crushed and quarreled with his or her mother every time he or she travels to his or her home, this situation must be resolved first.

Error 11. A glass of wine saves calories.

Often we don’t notice snacks - candy eaten from the glove compartment of a car, a sandwich caught running. In fact, there are many such "unobtrusive" moments throughout the day - these should be recorded in your meal diary. Some people think they are drinking a glass of dry wine and saving on food. But that usually doesn't work. Any alcohol will increase your appetite, and a glass of wine will soon be served with an appetizer made with high-calorie cheese and grapes, followed by fried potatoes. But for some reason many people don’t consider a piece of cheese or grapes to be food.

Error 12. We are constantly considering ourselves

It is not necessary to weigh yourself every day to monitor the dynamics of weight - 1-2 times a week is enough. Weight depends on a number of factors - the amount of fluid you consume, your menstrual cycle, the weather, and so on. If you get on the scales too often, you may see a "plus" and you'll be nervous. It is also important to record the measurement results correctly. For example, in a few days you managed to lose a kilogram, do not indicate this success by entering the next number, but "77 - 1" - it is more visual and has a better psychological effect. You should also reward yourself for success - but not with chocolate. For example, treat yourself to a fragrant bath foam or a new blouse to highlight your slimming results.

But no matter how you lose weight, you have to remember - there are times when the weight "stands". This can take 1-2 weeks and involves metabolic and hormonal processes. Such behavior of the organization must be managed with understanding, not discouraged, and not thinking that everything is lost.

Error 13. Food is the only pleasure

If life seems boring and boring without sweets, you have to do something. We need to find something else that will bring joy and something that can divert us with joy - sports, good movies, walks, creativity. If there is only one mechanism to solve emotional problems - cake or fast food, failures will occur.

In general, it is important to develop the right psychological attitudes from an early age. Parents often tell their children that a hamburger is bad. However, where does everyone like to celebrate a children’s birthday? In fast food restaurants. This creates an attitude in the child that a hamburger is the best food because it is tied to a holiday, an action. Also, food is often the only way to communicate in the family - everyone sits on their gadgets and can only look into each other’s eyes and talk over dinner. The idea is born that you can only communicate at the table.